Environmentally Friendly Solutions
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Beet 55 – liquid Organic Accelerator

Liquid Handling Solutions
Polywest Dealer for Manitoba

Lawn Care
For thicker, greener lawns

Top Krop and Kugler Provider for Southern Manitoba
A Sustainable Solution
BEET 55™ is a natural agricultural product that features snow and ice control performance superior to traditional brines. Plus, it’s 75 percent less corrosive, while boosting the performance of other brines.

A Sweeter Solution
Lawn Care Solutions
For thicker, greener lawns, use Humic Acid with Fulvic Acid to boost root strength, plant density and overall turf health.
Top Crop™
Fertilizer Solutions
Improving your soil & plant health, the Top Krop program include Kugler, Black Earth, AdvancedAg, and TK-10.

Liquid Handling Solution
As a dealer for Polywest, we can provide products to suit all your liquid handling requirements, and with our years of liquid handling experience we can help you develop a solution that works.

Road Safety Solution
Providing a variety of driver training, including Manitoba
Public Insurance MELT, Super-B training, and Class 3 driver
Contact us for information on Federal Government funding
to cover training costs and wages.
What’s Happening
Class 1 Professional Driver Instructor (Full-time)
Class 1 Professional Driver Instructor (Full-time) Bracor Environmental has been leader in road safety for years, with our Beet 55 liquid organic...
Class 1 Melt Training
Using Beet Juice for Anti Icing – CTV News Winnipeg
Public works chairman beets drum for winter road juice
It’s time to determine if using more beet juice can help Winnipeggers get a better grip on roads, lanes and sidewalks, one city councillor says....
Yuck! Parking Lot Disaster
This sight is far too familiar. Snow starts to accumulate and compact on parking lots, and it becomes very difficult for the tractors to scrape...
Unsafe Winter Roads
With record high snowfall this winter, city snowplows have a difficult time keeping roadways clear. Compacted snow and ice ridges develop, which...
How Canada’s addiction to road salt is ruining everything
Bringing down bridges, melting cars, poisoning rivers; it's hard to think of something salt isn't ruining This winter, Calgary has expanded its use...
Too Much Sand to Cleanup
As the spring sun starts brightening and warming our days, we are left with winter’s ugly stain, a thick blanket of sand over everything and a fog...
10 Things To Know About Liquid Deicers
10 Things To Know About Liquid Deicers When used correctly liquid brine and blended products are powerful, cost effective tools. (Updated Aug. 2019)...
Canadian Municipalities use beet juice to de-ice roads
Canadian Municipalities use beet juice to de-ice roads Canadian cities and municipalities are starting to pre-wet their sand/salt mixtures with Beet...
Save money and the enviroment
We share the environment with each other, and have to pass it down to our future generations. If we open our minds and participate in positive environmental changes, we can do our part to pass on a healthier future.
“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.”